Moonshot Innovation

Moonshot Innovation: A New Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Business Models

The Carlsberg Foundation has provided a Monograph Fellowship for the project “Moonshot Innovation: A New Approach to Disruptive Technologies and Business Models”.

The Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship

“One-year full-time fellowships for leading established researchers within the humanities and social science with a ‘Semper Ardens’ (passionate, always burning) approach to their research and with a project aimed at producing a groundbreaking monograph or doctoral dissertation.”


Project description

This project aims at understanding and developing Moonshot Innovation as a new approach to how organizations can tackle complex challenges when business-as-usual no longer works. There is an increasing need to tackle grand challenges, not only for the sake of society but also to enable organizational longevity. But because established organizations face significant barriers in the face of business model innovation, they are often challenged to make such a transition. This project will introduce Moonshot Innovation as a new management model for established organizations to embrace a transformative, longer-term goal to move an old way of working to a new, more disruptive business model that embraces all benefits of a moonshot strategy.

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