Food Innovation

Food Innovation: Moving From Societal Challenges to Sustainable Solutions

The Carlsberg Foundation has provided a ‘Semper Ardens’ Fellowship within the Humanities and Social Sciences as a contribution for the project “Food Innovation: Moving From Societal Challenges to Sustainable Solutions”.

The Carlsberg Foundation’s ‘Semper Ardens’ Fellowships within the Humanities and Social Sciences

“Up to eight one-year fellowships for leading established researchers within the humanities and social sciences with a ‘Semper Ardens’ (passionate, always burning) approach to their research and with a project aimed at producing a groundbreaking monograph.”


Project description

This project aims at developing a new approach and framework to better understand societal challenges in the food domain and to propose trajectories for addressing them with sustainable solutions. Based on an exploratory process, a design thinking approach will enable a more open and inclusive approach to combine technology, human values and business into one holistic food innovation framework. The research will first be enacted on the macro level of the food sector to provide a general perspective on the key attributes and processes in connection to food-related societal challenges and sustainable solutions. Second, there will be a specific focus on the micro level of how individual companies design sustainable solutions to address societal challenges while respecting their individual science and business strategies.

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